What Is The Best Speed Reading Software?
9 best speed reading programs to boost learning skills

Reading is certainly one of the most popular ways to learn a new skill. What if we could read books and documents not only faster but also more effectively? In this post, we review some of the best speed reading software that will teach you how to do so.
These programs are designed to increase your reading pace, retention, and comprehension, train your eyes or eliminate subvocalization. Guided training plans will also enable you to apply various learning strategies and monitor your progress.
1. Spreeder

If you are looking for speed reading software that will speed up your digital reading and also teach you strategies and expertise, Spreeder (view website) is among the best solutions.
With Spreeder, you can speed read anything that comes in a digital format such as web pages, eBooks, text files, or PDFs. It is available as software for any computer operating system and as an app for iPad and iPhone.
Hence, you may quickly read a title from the free cloud library of eBooks, but you can also add any other digital content and save it in the cloud. The premium version accepts 46 different file formats. It will furthermore synchronize on all devices registered to a valid license.
How does it work? Spreeder uses RSVP technology to flash-highlight text based on your settings for words per minute, words per group, style, and reading mode. It’s optimized for reading electronic files effectively. You will furthermore see stats for your reading speed, reading focus, and time.
What about reading strategies? There is some guided training to reduce bad habits, regression, and subvocalization or improve eye fixation. However, Spreeder is software to fasten your reading through RSVP technology and exercises. If your focus is on expert training, it now also offers all the features of 7 Speed Reading software.
Info: View website. From $9. Get the first 7-days for free.
Bonus: Free premium productivity software and courses included.
2. The Iris Reading Program

One of the best resources to learn speed reading is Iris Reading (view website). Their strengths are the popularity with thousands of students, effectiveness, and global recognition by respected institutions such as the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur.com, Chicago Public Schools, and even NASA.
Iris Reading offers various learning modules depending on a learner’s preference and skill level. If you prefer to attend in person, you can enroll in one of their classes in many cities in the U.S. and around the globe. If you are busy and would like to learn at your own time and pace, their online modules for desktops, tablets, and smartphones will be more suitable.
There are three types of online programs available as a step-by-step module system. However, when taken all together, they provide a precious deal:
- Foundation
- Speed Reading and Mastery
- Advanced Comprehension & Memory
While Iris is certainly more video-based speed reading software, it also offers various apps to help you continue improving your reading performance after taking one of their offline or online programs. Therefore, it’s more their comprehensive package of tools, apps, PDFs, and modules that make it eligible to be included in this review.
Price: from $50 per module. $199 in-person. Visit website.
3. AceReader

AceReader is an all-in-one solution to learn to read faster. It’s similar to the software mentioned above and beneficial for teachers, students, children, and the family.
Some of their most famous clients include the US Air Force Academy or the Naval Academy. Many students in K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and thousands of consumers have successfully improved their reading performance. Since its release 19 years ago, AceReader Classic has won more than 50 awards for its educational value.
AceReader comes with an online-based administration system (Personal) or a desktop version to install the software on 3 computers (Classic). This way, users can log in with their own accounts, set individual goals, and have their test scores and training progress separated from other learners.
The main goal of AceReader is to minimize subvocalization, eliminate regression, learn to read groups of words, reduce eye fixation times, and increase re-fixation speeds. To achieve this, the speed reading software is packed with exercises, drills, complimentary themed material, and eBooks with a built-in option to load own ones, PDFs, or Word documents.
Features – There are 72 professionally designed lessons, advanced tracking modes, and self-monitoring, more than 234 different training lessons, 830 leveled and themed reading comprehension tests, as well as hundreds of leveled Drill Text materials, game cards, and a built-in clock to see current wpm.
However, the program won’t let you alone in front of your computer. All lessons are automated and self-adjusting aiming to push you to the next level. There is constant monitoring of progress as well as tests to assess your current skill level.
Navigation – The Course Mode is the simplest way to use the program, and it will walk you through an auto-adjusting training module that includes specific exercises (drills). The Menu Mode gives you more control and lets you pick from all training activities. For example, you could decide to improve on ‘word group fixations’. Last but not least, the reading mode is to practice your new skills either with provided or your own material.
Verdict: AceReader is still one of the best speed reading software available, with a strong focus on student guidance and goal achievement. However, the Classic version is a rather outdated edition, and it makes more sense to go with AceReader’s cloud-versions Personal, Family or Education.
Price: $69.95.
Support: Users can back on excellent, individual phone and email support. Quick start guides, manuals, FAQ’s and video tutorials will be provided.
4. The Reader’s Edge

The primary goal of this program is to achieve better reading speed and comprehension. It’s equal to 7 Speed Reading Software providing all the necessary tools and is suitable for every reading level and age.
Features focus on stopping subvocalization or re-reading and also help decrease eye fixation. Exercises and activities are also important components and include recognition tests, mobility training, word group reading tests and vertical and horizontal span exercises. A bonus is visual and audio reading sections.
The Reader’s Edge is created by the Literacy Company to help children, students and adults improve their reading skills. The company also awards different versions for home use, schools, libraries, and other educational centers. It also offers free updates for the rest of your life, the best thing for sure!
In the beginning, this program might look a bit complicated due to the many tools it offers. But, once you get started the program provides convenient ease of use. Set your reading goals and get your detailed lesson schedule. There’s a step-by-step training module to let you progress immediately. It all takes 15 minutes to practice a day.
The bottom line: The Reader’s Edge is full-packed with all the features a user will need and the price is very affordable. Price at writing: $79.95.
5. eyeQ Speed Reading Software

The eyeQ Reading software might be a great option for students, professionals and children alike. Infinite Mind claims that kids will get better at reading with a daily investment of just 7 minutes, making it an interesting solution for homeschooling. As the software is cloud-based you will, however, need an active internet connection to access all exercises and tools.
The program is data-driven and will be customized to each learner based on their reading level, strengths and reading pace. Hence, students will accelerate to more challenging levels based on the software’s recommendations rather than arbitrariness or randomness. This approach is suitable for students looking for feedback on how they are doing. However, this feature is also available in other speed reading software.
eyeQ is also available for schools and corporate purposes. Employees can gain a lot from an increase in reading skills, e.g., higher productivity. Their prices are not budget but certainly reasonable and provide many long-term benefits to an organization.
6. RocketReader Speed Reading Program

RocketReader speed reading software offers an innovative reading method. It displays a collection of features and patterns that make it appealing to younger users. You can sign up for a free trial to see if it works for you.
The software focuses on reading comprehension for the starters. For adults, the main purpose is both to read speedily and comprehensively fully. Before you start, you will be asked to run a test. The test itself is also available on their website without the need to sign up.
There’s one cool feature when it comes to comprehension tests. Questions can be answered either by typing the answer or clicking the “guess it” option, which offers multiple-choice answers. By the way, the content categories include history, literature, science, etc. You can also bring your own text files. If you want to know what such a test looks like check out this feature by testing their free 6-minute RocketReader exercise.
With the number of tests and exercises present in the software, it surely is a great buy. It has many tools the user can use to improve their reading speed or comprehension ability and expand vocabulary.
RocketReader caters to all ages with the different categories it presents.
Many find it easy to navigate and get easily familiar with the functions. However, the design is a bit too colorful and the designs divert our attention. Adults may be turned off by it consequentially.
Price online version: $109.95.
7. ReadSpeeder Software

Another popular option is ReadSpeeder, a free speed reading software aiming to double your reading speed while improving comprehension. To achieve this goal, students should commit for 12 consecutive days and be willing to practice for at least 30 minutes a day.
ReadSpeeder offers a library of 500 books to access a wide range of material either for practicing or expanding vocabulary. However, the variety and quality are not what you may expect from other top-rated software.
If you are a teacher using this program to help your students with their reading skills, you can pre-select the reading material to make sure it is interesting and relevant to their age. One of the downsides is that you won’t see any detailed tracking and progressing data available.
In order to use the program, you will need to register. According to the creators, there are more than 90,000 registered users.
8. Zap Reader Software

If you are strapped for cash and looking for free software to help you read digital text fast, you might be interested in Zap Reader. It’s an elderly but still popular tool to chunk digital text into groups of words and then display them in your browser at a preset speed. You can paste any text available on the web. However, it won’t teach you many techniques to apply to non-fiction material, nor does it track progress.
It’s web-based software developed by eReflect which has been in the business of educational software since 2006. If you are interested in this type of digital reading, Spreeder Pro (see #5) might be the better option since it also provides tutorials, exercises and progress tracking and is also available as an iPad and iPhone app.
9. Spritz eReader Software

Spritz is eReading software designed for students to effectively handle reading assignments. It is the underlying technology built into various mobile speed reading software and focuses on highlighting specific text passages on smartphones or tablets rather than teaching traditional reading methods.
RSVP – The development of Spritz was inspired by Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) which was designed to find out how content is being read. However, this method was rather suitable for offline reading as it triggers active eye movements and relies on foveal vision. Spritz adapted RSVP to digital content whereas words will be positioned ergonomically and displayed in groups of words. As a result, no eye movement is required allowing readers to up their speeds significantly.
User experience – It is easy to get started with Spritz as it has a low learning curve. Since there is some skepticism about traditional RSVP, people who have had bad experiences should retry using its digital successor. Popular software that implements modern RSVP/Spritz technology is Spreeder, AceReader, ReadMe! or Bobo.
Summary – Spritz supports more than 20 languages. The main website will let you try it out but we recommend considering specialized speed reading software that will implement Spritz/RSVP into an educational framework to teach you to read faster.
Best Speed Reading Software – The Verdict
Most speed reading software listed above focuses on eliminating bad reading habits such as subvocalization or regression. Spreeder (visit product website) is extremely versatile and has plenty of useful features like training videos and games.
It is also a modern RSVP reader to process digital content quickly and efficiently. If you are in the market for this type of software and also looking for educational instructions to learn common techniques and practice your memory capacities Spreeder is certainly one of the best speed reading software available here.
AceReader is easy to learn with, adult-teacher-family-friendly, direct, and very effective. You will get a solid full-time tutor to improve your pace. It is one of the most comprehensive speed reading software available and works very well. However, keep in mind that this desktop tutor will not be updated anymore.
The Reader’s Edge or RocketReader is also suitable for students and children. SpeedReader X is the cheapest program here but lacks the comprehension tests.
Recommendation: In general, we would recommend 7-Speed-Reading as it provides expert advice, professional tools, and stats and last but not least will increase your speed to the level you want to achieve. They are trusted by thousands of students and have proven results.
What is the Best Speed Reading Software 2025?
- 7-Speed-Reading
- Spreeder
- Reader’s Edge
- AceReader Classic
- Rocket Reader
- ReadSpeeder
- Speed Reader-X
- FastReaders
Please post your own list in the comments below.
I own a lifetime version of 7. I used ACE. I own a life time version of Readers Edge. Readers Edge is my favorite.
I’ve used only free apps until now but they’re all mostly the same spinned content and to be honest, they’re a bit outdated. The first program in this list, the 7 Speed reading software, seems to fit my bill best as it allows online learning as well along with the added flexibility it provides. Additionally, I recommend to also try the Spritz technology which is found in several apps, both on Android and iOS, their approach to speed reading seems to be effective though not fully replace the tutors mentioned in this review.
Hi, I am getting ready to take the GRE and then go on to grad schl for a master’s in finance and I need to get my reading and comprehension improved. English is my second language. which software would you recommend? thank you!
Hi Martini, from my own experience I suggest to try either 7 Speed Reading or AceReader Elite. Both are easy to use and focus on speed exercises and comprehension lessons. If you are a visual learner their videos are a buying point here. 7SR comes with videos built in, AceReader Elite offers a premium package which streams videos from the Iris Speed Reading Network. Hope that helps….
I use the 7 speed reading software 3-4 times a week and am pretty happy with it. The videos are quite helpful, particularly as I’m new to the topic. My reading speed has slightly increased, but it’s more my comprehension that has improved significantly.This is very motivating :), Joel
I don’t use desktop applications anymore, I created my own reading app for phones and tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android) with speed reading feature fastr.io; you can add your epub and articles from the web.
Thx Grant, I will see what software can be included here. @readers, feel free to suggest some!
I have tried several reading improvement software many, paid or free products. In some way they are all able to teach you the trick. However, from your list I’d say Speed Reader X is very simple software, a bit outdated too, while 7 Speed Reading and Acereader are way more advanced. You should mention recent updates, e.g Elite update etc., and maybe provide a few alternatives to complete your list, even if not considered to be the best one.
I did not see any mention of EYE Q reading software. I wonder why it is not included in the top 5 to be evaluated
imo the best speed reading program is eyeq deluxe, but it’s not included it in the list here…
Hey, are there any techniques or software that combine speed reading with learning foreign languages?
I read as much as I can. That means reading books, articles, but also signs, ads in magazines or comics. Everything. It will help recognize new words or phrases much faster. Another tip is to learn common pre- and suffixes as well as the most common nouns of the language you wish to learn…
Thanks for this list. I’m tutoring my niece because she’s a little behind in her reading skill and by ‘behind’ I mean she reads slowly. I’m going to try several of these.
To be able to choose the best speed reading software it’s necessary to look at the main features and learning techniques. Important is also the age of the users. The Reader’s edge for example is suitable for all ages and suits younger adults or children. Ace Reader software on the other side is more suitable for adults and professionals. Cheers Mark